We are driving home but adrenaling is still holding us up OMG I have no words but this weekend on Open Trophy Show was our weekend. This show is one of the biggest shows for bull terrier in England.
with 7 months on her seconde show ever won:-1st in puppy class and on top of all
3th place in OPEN CLASS
Thank you to the judge Dareen Hackett for thinking highly about My girls!
!!!!!On top of all Poisson Ivy Kennel respresented Slovenian breeding first time in history on International Trophy show!
- Thank you Joao Hypolito for handling Bloom, all help and congratulations
- My girls were traind and prepred by Maja Sparovec
- Our dogs are powered by Nekmar Pet Nutrition Slovenija
- Special thanks and congratulations goes to my friend David Šnitka, I am soo proud of you and Hulk.