Is it already a time?😲
We know that puppies and new owners can't wait but for us the time has pass so quickly as they were born yesterday. 😏 But we know the have the best new owners ❤
Because every beginning is hard we love to give our owners an easy start with a puppy pack full of super things. 🤩
We would like to thank to all who contributed to our super puppy pack:
- Maja Sparovec for super toy
- Nekmar Pet Nutrition Slovenija
- Veterinarska bolnica Zvitorepka
- MACROCANARIO za pasjo druščino

Every puppy gets his personal map in which he has all documentation:
-file with important dates 💉
-health tests 🩺
-his first collar
-and a notebook mad by us which includes basic information about puppies. 📑