Last week we went to vaccinate and microchip our puppies. Veterinarians performed a basic veterinary examination, puppies were chipped and vaccinated💉. They are all healthy and no one has had a reaction to the vaccination. We performed the examination at a veterinarian who makes sure that our youngsters have a positive experience😊 We have been cooperating with them for many years and we are very satisfied with their work. Thank you Veterinarska bolnica Zvitorepka.❤️

The next day we went to the most important examination for future owners, an ultrasound of heart❤️ and kidneys. The cardiologist didn't just listen to hearta but also Doppler, ultrasound and ECG were done. All puppies have healthy hearts without signs of heart murmur and abnormalities. Kidneys are beautiful and without signs of any cysts. ☑️ This examination is an examination with which we can do the most to the new owners, as just listening to the heart is not a sufficient sign that the puppy does not have any defect that could affect his life. 🔝🔝 The examination was performed by Mrs. Asja Kranjc, dr. vet. med. veterine Veterinarska klinika Zajc & Co.
This week, the puppies went on the longest journey🚙 to Zagreb, where we made sure whether the puppies could hear on both ears or not. 👂 The test is performed at the clinic Specijalističke Veterinarske Ambulante Marković0.
An electronic hearing test is performed to put the dog to sleep. Headphones and electrodes are then installed. Through the headphones, the computer emits 1000 pulses, sound up to a height of 70 decibels (which is comparable to the volume of human speech), which sounds like a kind of buzzing. Electrodes mounted on the dog record the dog's response to sound, and are carefully recorded and displayed on a monitor. The response is shown by a varied curve as far as the dog can hear, and a straighter line when we encounter a deaf ear.
All puppies hear in both ears. ➕ / ➕